There Will Be No Formal Evaluation Up To Class V

The children of these Classes will be encouraged and trained to use their visual, auditory and olfactory senses to experience the world around them. Stress will be laid on inculcating interest and love of learning, good manners and clean habits. Physical development of the children will be looked after by providing them with a well equipped play park and other sports related activities. The evaluation of the students will be continuous and comprehensive and based on the day the day progress in the activities conducted in the class, their behavior and interactions in class, conversation, homework, class work and written assignments.

For students of Classes III to V, it will be based on formative assessments which will be reflected through grades in the report card and which includes teacher’ observations, teacher designed tasks and tests, projects, reading, classwork, homework, work samples, quizzes, online tests etc.

Parents will get to know the progress of their wards through the report card for 1st term in October and for 2nd term in March.

Marks Range Grade
91 – 100 A1
81 – 90 A2
71 – 80 B1
61 – 70 B2
51 – 60 C1
41 – 50 C2
Below – 40 D

Classes VI To X
Formative Assessments (FA)

Classes VI to X will  have Formative Assessments (FA) spread over the entire year. It will be based on Monday Test, Teacher’s observations, Teacher designed tasks and Test, Work samples and Projects, Quizzes, Reading, Role Plays, Seminars, Presentations, Online Tests etc.

Assumptive Assessments (SA)

Classes VI to X will have Half Yearly exams (Summative Assessment-I) in September and Annual Exam (Summative Assessment – II) in March.


Assessments TERM – I TERM – II TOTAL
FA 1 FA 2 SA 1 FA 3 FA 4 SA 2
Formative 10% 10% 10% 10% 40%
Summative 30% 30% 60%

Key To Grades

Key to grades for final cumulative result (Scholastic) and Co-scholastic areas and activities as per CCE guidelines of CBSE.

Part – 1 Scholastic (A)

Marks Range Grade Grade Point
91 – 100 A1 10.0
81 – 90 A2 9.0
71 – 80 B1 8.0
61 – 70 B2 7.0
51 – 60 C1 6.0
41 – 50 C2 5.0
33 – 40 D 4.0
21 – 32 E1
00 – 20 E2

Part – 2 Co – Scholastic Areas

Areas Grades
Life Skills 2 (A) Thinking Skills Social Skills
Emotional Skills
Grads on Five point Scale to be give as A,B,C,D,E
2 (B) Work Education
2 (C) Visual and Performing Arts
2 (D) Attitude & Values towards: TeachersSchool – mates School Programmes and Environment Value Systems Grads on Five point Scale to be give as A,B,C,D,E

Part – 3 Co-Scholastic Activities

Activities Grades
(Any two of following to be assessed)
3 (A) Literary & Creative Skills Scientific Skills Information & Communication Skills Organization & Leadership Skills Grades on Five Point Scale to be given as A,B,C,D,E
Any two of following to be assessed)
3 (B) Physical & Health Education Sports/Indigenous sports (Kho-Kho etc.) Ncc / NSS Scouting and Guiding Swimming Gymnastics Yoga First Aid Gardening / Sharmdaan Grades on Five Point scale to be given as A,B,C,D,E

Schedule Of Reports

  • 1st – Report based on Monday Tests, other Scholastic, Co – Scholastic activities and Half Yearly Exam in October.
  • 2nd –   Report based on Monday Tests, other Scholastic, Co – Scholastic activities and Annual Exam in March.

Criteria For The Award Of Scholar BDGE/CERTIFICATE/BLAZER/TIE

  • The student must appear in the Half Yearly Exam and Annual Exam.
  • A student should obtain minimum ‘A2’ grade in all the subjects. (An aggregate of 81% & above) 85% attendance.
  • The student will be awarded certificate and Scholar Badge for being a scholar in the 1st year, Blue Blazer for being a scholar for consecutive 3 years and blue tie if he or she has been awarded with Scholar Badge for consecutive 5 years.

Points To Remember

  • For Classes VI to VII projects will be given as notified separately.
  • No retest will be taken if any student is absent in any of the Monday Test or Term Examination on medical or any other ground. (Please do not send applications for retest)
  • Test absentees will be marked zero. However, if the school is sending the students for representation in any of the inter-school competitions or events they may be exempted from the Monday Tests or Term Exams and average marks will be awarded based on their past performance.


Subject Code Subject Code
041 Mathematics
085 Hindi Course-B
086 Science
087 Social Science
101 English